Jonah Goldberg// November 13th 2022
The November 15th Press Conference was embarrassing. The President and his Cabinet have developed an awful habit of inattentiveness and an unwillingness to answer questions.
Every Wednesday the President and his Cabinet hold a press conference and every Wednesday without fail they fail to adequately answer a single question. This has caused frustration from the Senators as they are unable to have their concerns addressed.

“ I just think its rather disappointing that we continue to get dragged to press conferences where not much happens and Biden doesn't take any serious or hard questions and would rather spend time talking about Bereal rather than the crises facing America I don't even think Biden will even mention the mistle that fell onto Ukraine, inflation, he will talk about great America even though under his watch America is literally falling apart.” - Senator Cornyn
“Senator McConell has officially sent out a Press Release that the Republican Party does not have to attend these Press Conferences because President has been completely useless to the Senate and these Press Conferences have been nothing but a show to show him signing bills… he has done nothing but sit there and take Bereals which I think is ridiculous when he should be focusing on legislation and working with the parties but instead he wants to sit back answer no questions… and I think it’s pointless for the [Republican Party] to be here if he refuses to even speak to anyone” - Senator Blackburn
And Cornyn was correct, Biden said absolutely nothing of substance and is clearly in a deluded state as he continues to disregard how his lack of action on inflation continues to have destructive effects for the American people. Additionally, Blackburn is spot on with her assertion of the pointlessness of these conferences as Biden continues to mock the American people with his aversion to questioning. In light of this continued waste of time, the Republicans were smart to leave.
When held accountable for his repeated evading of questions, Biden responded:
“Well if you wait a few minutes, we will be getting to the questions momentarily”, but then proceeded to stand in the background during questioning and not answer ANY questions. This incompetence is clearly contagious as Vice President Kamala Harris had a disastrous questioning session. Harris clearly doesn’t even bother to keep up with the happenings of the Senate because when asked a question about the recent CORGI Act that passed the floor, she was confused. Harris much like the rest of the cabinet can not answer questions and then gets defensive when held accountable.

Is Biden getting too old to handle the pressure of the Presidency? Are we really expected to take seriously the re-election of someone who is incapable of answering basic questions about his job and workings? The Cabinet has this event ONCE a week, and every single time it's an utter waste. A waste because they are all too lazy to prepare adequately so that they may answer the necessary questions.
Since there has been clear confusion on the purpose of the Press Conferences let me outline it for you: Answer the questions.
Wake up.