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Writer's pictureKatelyn Ceballos

Republicans are Phonies

By Rachel Maddow

Session was an absolute mess on Friday with the bickering of the Republicans. On the floor, we saw absolute chaos on the republican side. To start off Republicans had been screaming at the other side and insulting them. We also had Senator Cruz publicly defame the character of a senator on the democratic side. Senator Blackburn was also eating on the floor instead of paying attention to the democrats and her

own party. Senator Blackburn, I get you were hungry, but you don't see me eating in the sessions even when I've reached peak hangry. While attempting to take a photo of Blackburn, Cornyn, and Romney, Sasse refused to have his face be in the photo. He claims it’s because he is not “photogenic” and “doesn’t like photos or press,” yet he begged for good press and press in general at the beginning and middle of the session.

When given the floor, Senator McConnell would not shut up. He continued to read his speech even when he had no time left. Little did we know that during this time, McConnell had handcuffed himself to the podium. Not only was this an insult to everyone in the room and their time, but to the American people. He would rather stand there and laugh about how he handcuffed himself than to just vote for the budget and other bills on the agenda. McConnell then was demanded to leave the session by VP Kamala

Harris in which he was escorted out by the Parliamentarian. He runs out saying he will “never stop fighting for the people of America,” but he continues to, along with his party, stall and filibuster important legislation. The Republicans then fight to get McConnell back into the room, and cheer him on for what he just pulled. All I have to say is what a disgrace to the American People.

This session ran longer than anticipated due to the shenanigans that Republicans kept pulling. After 3 amendments had been proposed by the republicans, about 5 republicans were left on the floor voting while only one democrat was missing. The republicans knew they were not going to be able to pass their amendments, but they thought it was funny to just waste time. Senator Cruz and Cornyn, both kept proposing amendments, and admitted that it was just to waste time (considering their entire party was missing). Senator Scott also brought his electric scooter onto the floor and was riding around on it. He also kept constantly ringing the bell and honestly it made me wanna rip my ear drums out. While all this

was going on Senator Blackburn was sitting watching the first Spiderman movie with Toby Maguier. First off, great choice in movie. Second, why did Blackburn attempt to stop her party or at least do something important with her job. Like come on? Blackburn did nothing this session besides pass one good legislation with Senator King. Although, I will applaud her for getting through being constantly ignored and discriminated against because of her gender. After McConnell was escorted out, recess was called. During this time, Cruz started reading and talking about God knows what. No one paid attention to him considering it was recess time. However, I want to quickly highlight my favorite moments from the last floor session. At the beginning of session, we witnessed the most bi-partisan event to ever happen this session. This was the singing of happy birthday to Senator Schumer’s good friend Ryan. I have never seen both parties come

together like they did when they sang. I also would like to highlight when Senator King was speaking on the floor and screamed at Senator Graham. I got to say I was cracking up for about 20 minutes. What I

thought was the funniest thing was that Senator Sinema was playing “This guy stinks,” from Spongebob when Cruz did not stop talking. Senator Sinema also played the Jeopardy theme song while he kept talking. I'd like to point out he was trying to give a speech during recess in which no had been paying attention to him and were trying to strategize on how to work through this.

What a disappointing way for republicans to end this session. I look down on you, and beg for you to change your ways. Stop throwing your fits. If you don’t like a piece of legislation, work with the other side to come to a compromise or just vote against it. Do what you can to make the process quicker and smoother. You're just making things harder than they need to be. If you can’t change your ways get out of office. Go do what Senator Sasse is doing considering he was incompetent to do his job correctly and keep it his job as minority whip. Be smart like Sasse and don't put the lives of the American people in your hands if you do not how to make a decision that may be against your own interests and in the interest of the people you are meant to serve.

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