Jonah Goldberg// November 11th 2022
This Session has been a clear demonstration of Biden’s inactivity as President. Biden is absent and only shows up to sign bills at press conferences. At these conferences, he either refuses questions entirely or accepts only a few, and answers them inadequately. Biden has received countless questions about his plans for inflation, and every time has refused to answer. Additionally, Biden comes to the press conferences ill prepared. This was displayed when he read off his computer during Wednesday's press conference, to answer questions about legislation he is putting forward for Roe (questions he should already know the answer to). Why does Biden need a script to answer common sense questions? Not only is he unable to answer questions, but he is also presenting a bill of which the details he is unsure of.
Additionally, many of the Republican Senators have pointed out that Biden purposefully evades their questions. Probably because he has no idea how to answer them.
“President Biden is of the Catholic Religion and the Pope specifically says that he is against pro-choice and against abortions happening, I would just like to question what has steered him away from his faith? More specifically he states that his faith is stronger than ever but it is clear that the Catholic church wants to steer him away from the eucharist.”- Senator Thune
“I just think its disappointing wont take any difficult questions from conservative journalist or Republicans themselves, it shows that he is very unsure of himself and I think it's also concerning that so many democrats believe that he shouldn't run in ‘24, and I think it would be in the best interest of Americans if he did not.” - Senator Cornyn
Is this further depiction of Biden’s unwillingness to share his plans? My question is: is this a deliberate attempt to cloud transparency, or does Biden just not have these plans at all? Either way, President Biden has clearly demonstrated a very lazy approach to his vital leadership position. With the Democratic party divided and unable to function efficiently, Biden's weakness is only a further display of the Democratic Party’s inability to work in the best interest of the American People.