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Writer's pictureJonah Goldberg

Yikes! What’s going on with the Democratic Party

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Here is your Official Call Out.

Jonah Goldberg

The Senate Democratic Party has been practically non-existent in their media presence. You (liberals) may think you’re being careful, but it does not rid you of the array of issues within your party.

There has been a low display of passion from the Democratic party on all fronts, an overall lack of effort and cult-like partisanship. How do they expect to get anything done?

The Republican Party has been very vocal and transparent about their pursuits/plans to the public. Meanwhile, all we’ve heard from the Democrats are multiple press releases condemning multiple members of the Republican party, who were simply calling out incompetencies, of which the Democratic party has an abundance of just ONE WEEK in Session.

  • Senator Warren, intended candidate for majority leader, missed the majority leader vote.

  • Senator Klochubar (Chair of judiciary Committee) completely violated Senate rules , and was unable to run meeting unaided, an overall disaster

  • Day one of the Budget Affairs committee displayed : inefficiency, and heavy partisanship.

  • Senator Tester, was not paying attention during the State of the Union addresses and raised the wrong hand for the Pledge of Allegiance

  • Additionally (during the State of the Union address), actions that displayed a “cult of personality” which highlighted “ how divided and partisan the United States have become”, as accurately pointed out by Senator Cornyn (in a post event statement).

    • A divide that is exacerbated by the Democratic party

This is just a few of the multiple displays of incompetencies within the Democratic party. These were not ‘bad days’ but a patterns of lacking professionalism and preparedness. The reason the Democratic party has been constantly playing defense in the media, is a result of their weak work ethic and poor leadership. You don't want to be called out by your Republican Colleagues ? Do better.

So here is some advice. Try combating the bad press with good news, let the public know what policies you are working on, and be vocal about your workings.

Don’t have that lazy liberal mindset.

I hope to see an improvement going into this coming week in Session, so that we may accomplish some bi-partisan policy development.

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Oct 18, 2022

whats the pledge of allergens

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