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The Failure of the Democrat Party: Senator Cornyn Op-ed

Op-ed by Senator

The Failure of the Democrat Party

Passing a budget is one of the core functions of governance and one of the most important jobs we do here in the Senate. However, it is a job that the Democrat party is incapable of doing. Their leadership has been abysmal throughout this entire Congress, and especially this budget process, and they are doing a massive disservice to the American people. Time and time again, the Democrats have shown they are unworthy of the power that they hold. In the budget committee, Democrat chairman Ben Cardin decided unilaterally to change the rules of the committee without so much as consulting the other committee members, even other Democrats. Why did he do this? Because Democrats could not get a budget in on time. This completely undermines the voices of the people the Republicans on the budget committee represent and destroys democratic norms, which the Democrats ironically claim to defend. They claim they have telegraphed what they plan to do, and that they were going to pass a framework for their budget first. Their communications with Republicans have been jumbled and contradictory during the few times they actually communicate with us and they sat on their budget outline until mere hours before it was to be voted on. The Democrats give us almost no information to work with aside from information they accidentally leak. This would not be an issue if they had submitted their own budget or had worked with Republicans to make one. They did neither of these. Democrat leadership continuously misses deadlines, tells their members not to work with Republicans on bills while seeking Republican support for their own, and belittles other Senators who vote with their conscience. The Democrats are fostering a hostile and uncollaborative Senate environment and undermining bipartisan relations. Senator Sanders, the Democrat Whip, routinely belittles other Senators who are not as radical as he is. Senator Sanders regularly interrupts and cuts off members of his own caucus in committee, including Chairman Cardin, and regularly makes nonsensical motions that are either out of order, incorrect, or both. He explodes at Senators for asking tough questions and gets angry and bitter whenever he’s called out. This is no way for a Senator to behave. Having been a whip for the Republicans, I understand the difference between getting the necessary votes to pass a bill and being a mean-spirited, narcissistic bully. This behavior lost Senator Sanders the Democrat presidential nomination twice. Senator Sanders has little respect

for the decorum of the Senate and continuously antagonizes other Senators. I can only imagine how terribly he treats other Democrats behind closed doors. Senator Sanders is one of the most powerful Senators in this Congress but acts like an insolent child. I have never once, in all my years of being a Senator, believed that one of my colleagues has been utterly unworthy to hold this office. Mr. Sanders might be that exception. The American people have spoken, and have made it clear they want Democrat control of the Senate for the next two years. However, being chosen to lead does not give Democrats the green light to be megalomaniacs or cut Republicans entirely from governance. If they continue down this path, voters will notice. Democrats: if you want things to get passed, you need Republican support! You have neither a commanding majority in the Senate nor control of the House. President Biden has governed as a partisan hack and his approval ratings show the American people are fed up with that style of governance. The American people want to see both parties work together. However, it takes two to compromise and in today’s Congress, only Republicans want to work with Democrats. I implore the Democrats to actually work in good faith with Republicans and for Senator Sanders to either fix his behavior or step down and choose someone more worthy to lead. If they don’t do this, the American people will make them regret it.

Senator John Cornyn


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